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Is There More Than One Fairy Tail Anime Series

Is There More Than One Fairy Tail Anime Series


Although Fairy Tail has been disbanded and its members are now spread far across Fiore, Natsu Dragneel hasn't given upwards on reuniting the guild he and others once called dwelling. Along with his companions Happy and Lucy Heartfilia, he volition cease at nothing to keep Fairy Tail and its fiery spirit alive even as they face their most difficult trial yet—the invasion of Fiore by the Alvarez Empire's immense ground forces and their all-too-familiar ruler.

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Sep 28, 2022

Overall one
Story one
Animation 1
Sound ii
Character 1
Enjoyment 1

Contains spoilers. Not that anything could sour this anime more than just watching information technology, but hey.

The vast majority of the western anime community is made upwards of kids, teenagers, and higher kids, and equally the medium becomes more and more mainstream, that bong curve keeps centering effectually lower and lower ages. Many inside this customs of young people take grown up with anime and can reminisce well-nigh shows like Naruto, One Piece, or Bleach which take been influential for equally long as they can recollect, teenagers on the older side tin can still remember their own era's shows similar Pokemon or Dragon Ball, and at present the newest generation of children growing up with anime have faces like My Hero Academia and Mob Psycho 100 to grow up with themselves. I don't accept any of that. I'm seasoned enough for fifty-fifty the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia to loose their effects, since a good 90 per centum of anime I can remember watching with few late 90s exceptions the likes of Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop rerunning on TV accept been viewed through my eyes as they are now. I tin can't ride on nostalgia and fond memories I don't take, just I tin can ride on lies.

Fairy Tail came and settled into my life of farthermost clinical low and violent cocky-harming, intently suicidal tendencies in a roller coaster of fashions. Watching something so vapid and kiddish began by merely making me feel even dumber and even lonelier by getting into a show aimed at an audition virtually half my age, but subsequently getting along with my streak of nihilism at the time, it soon became my single favorite evidence ever made, seriously. Just hearing Natsu and Lucy autistically screaming about the power of friendship advert nauseam was enough to elevator my spirits, no thing how hollow those feelings were. No matter how little sense it all fabricated, I truly did come to love Fairy Tail and the cast of characters therein. I'd ever rated it lowly every bit I do currently, merely never would I deny how genuinely I adored information technology despite its countless flaws, lacks, and offenses. No matter how many victories they won without a shred of logic, no matter how many times villainous motivations would break and birth new allies apropos of naught, and no matter how many times they'd tease a romance only to never make a single iota of progress for hundreds of episodes, I ever left the viewing with life in my eyes, because at the end of the twenty-four hour period, everyone was a friend and friendship was magic. In my real life, "friendship" stands only as a childish dream my insomnia never permitted me to savour in, but if I remembered the Fairy Tail necklace I was wearing hidden under my formal attire, I could keep going, if only for one more twenty-four hour period.

During Fairy Tail's first hiatus, A-i Pictures had made it crystal clear they would be picking the series support in 2014, and they did exactly that, just when the next break came in 2016, they gave no indication of information technology coming back, much to my dismay. I was horrified by the idea of losing this lovable gild of friends who I cared for more than my own family unit, so when the manga announced its plans to end, and the production commission backside it announced they would fund its last season fix to adapt the residuum of the manga, I was absolutely charmed. After all, I was finally getting to see my friends again. As the Autumn 2022 season approached, and they started airing promotional videos, I was kind of taken aback. As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, I knew how technically bad Fairy Tail was. Be information technology the terrible blitheness, overuse of still frames and speed lines, endless off-model character artwork, a totally nonsensical script, space plot holes, egregious filler arcs, or the brain numbing pacing, I was always more than willing to say, "Yeah, just I still love it." That existence said, watching these promotional videos was the first fourth dimension I noticed Fairy Tail was the only prove I did this for. Anyone whose seen my profile knows how painstakingly critical I am, and the single bad show I refused to drop was Fairy Tail. Since I decline to watch low quality anime, the time Fairy Tail was on intermission was enough time for me to completely forget what it was like to sit down through a bad show. I know I'1000 coming off as sarcastic, but I'm being completely serious. I simply forgot what it was like to scout a poorly produced, poorly written, poorly paced, poorly directed, poorly acted, generically scored bear witness without dropping it nigh instantly, and trying to get back into it was an unforgiving, vicious challenge. I knew I should've just left well enough lonely and trying to watch the concluding season would do nothing but expose all my blissfully ignorant nonetheless recently made addicted memories…but I did information technology anyway. Whilst all those happy memories were, indeed, trampled into ruin exactly every bit I thought they would exist, I've come to argue the degree to which they were was not entirely my own error. After all, even afterwards forgetting the feeling of watching a bad show, if Fairy Tail had returned exactly as it was when it left, and then all I could actually say was touché.

And for the zero people still reading, I suppose this is where the "review" actually starts…

Fairy Tail: Final Series is unquestionably among the worst pieces of so-chosen amusement I've ever committed the sin to eat, and I'k going to do my accented best at selling you on this horrendous reality as fast as possible, because I want to exist here doing this just about every bit much as the corporatized, probably zombified staff wanted to produce it. To start, I'll admit the elephant in the room: who in the fuck cares? No matter what argument I propose and no thing the eloquence or logic with which I practice so, who the hell cares if a shitty series no one respected anyway went from bad to worse? FANS! All the dumbfuck fans, LIKE ME, no matter how stupid we are for already liking a bad show, have the right to be aroused when that standard which we've grown entitled to gets fifty-fifty worse. And, holy SHIT, did it go worse or what?! The animation went from poor and defective to outright non-real. Unabridged minutes, literal complete minutes were spent just panning over everyone's face any time the slightest movement was made, any time someone said annihilation even remotely emotional, and any fourth dimension the screenwriter knew they couldn't animate the action and had to instead show people flatly reacting to it. The sound design went from repetitive and tedious to straight up inaccurate. Gunshots used the aforementioned sound effect as doors closing, and Natsu getting comically slapped by Lucy was the same sound issue used when someone literally slammed into the basis after falling out of the damn heaven. It's a complete and total joke no fan of the series could express joy at. The directing went from stock and apprentice to inexcusably dishonest. As mentioned, whenever the budget would run out and they couldn't breathing an touch, they would awkwardly hard-cutting to someone else'south still confront reacting to it. This was the case with action scenes, obviously, simply also in fucking DIALOGUE SCENES! IS Information technology REALLY THAT Difficult TO Animate THREE FUCKING FRACTIONS OF AN ALREADY STILL SURROUNDING FRAME FOR SOMEONE'S Mouth TO Open up AND Close?!?!?! The pacing went from purposefully slow to drag out the series for equally long as possible to breakneck rapid fire speed because at present all they wanted to exercise was finish the damn thing since the cash cow apparently became infertile. Recall the large tease Grayness was going to kill Frosh? Got retconned; forget near the Rouge from the future and all the plot lines tied to his actions. Recollect how Zeref was a legendary black wizard known fifty-fifty outside of Fiore? Got retconned; patently he'southward then poorly known, he can be the king of an entire strange nation, merely under a different proper name, without ANYONE outside the land existence aware of this fact. Recall the big bad Emperors of Ishgar who were hyped upwardly to be greater than all the Sorcerer Saints? Got retconned; they all become down at the same time at the hands of some random guy who's owned barely four minutes later. Remember all the symbolism suggesting Mavis to be the fundamental antithesis of Zeref? Got retconned; not only practise they take the Verbal Aforementioned Expletive AND POWERS, but they got them by literally falling in beloved. I could keep. No effort was expended explaining anything properly or terminal the series in a satisfying manner because all they wanted to practise was finally put the last smash in the encarmine coffin equally soon as livingly possible. Even when the characters were given a few paltry scraps of fourth dimension to develop, we were treated with bafflingly retarded lines like Precht holding Mavis' dead, cold, limp, pale, lifeless fucking corpse, looking at it in its closed optics and asking, "Mavis, are you dead?" Even when the characters were given equally paltry scraps of time to explain the plot and motivations, we were treated with equally retarded lines like Zeref looking at his counsel of nameless lackeys maxim, "Humanity must be temporarily exterminated." Like, seriously?!? The one and merely attribute of the series which remained consistent with previous seasons was the music, but that'south only because they wholesale reused the soundtrack. I don't know why I'm lament, though, seeing equally if they did put in the work to really recompose anything properly, it probably would've been just as awful as the rest. If you wanted a silver lining, I guess I could say there'due south a few opening animations which aren't bad and the show never fully gives up past falling dorsum on CG, simply that'due south really all I've got for you. I'yard sorry. Believe me, I wish I had more than to offer as well.

In hindsight, at that place is a moment from episode twelve which really summed up my experience with Fairy Tail: Last Serial in 1 prissy footling parcel. They were saying some dumb shit—I wasn't really paying attention—and I realized as they were panning across the guild hall the characters just…weren't drawn. You lot'll have to encounter it to believe it, but they just weren't drawn. I was looking at a guild hall of greyed out silhouettes. When I really looked closely, shocked, as I couldn't believe what I was seeing either, I could pick out who was who, I guess. I could brand out Gajeel's Sonic The Hedgehog hairdo and Bickslow's weird helmet affair. I could make out Elfman's wide shoulders and Mirajane's bangs in that quirky little ponytail of her'southward. But why did I take to? Was it and then hard to draw the faces of the people I couldn't look to see again? Couldn't you've just grabbed a frame from another scene and reused information technology every bit a nonetheless image? Hell, couldn't you lot've just copy and pasted their god damn character models right off file into the scene, again, but as a yet image? It'south not similar the silhouettes were animated. How many seconds of care would y'all have to expend to add them this one time for this ane unanimated scene? This dour lack of any semblance of passion or investment will be my last memories of what once was the almost dearest serial in my small world.

Give thanks yous for reading.

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Sep 28, 2022

Overall nine
Story 9
Animation 9
Audio 9
Grapheme 9
Enjoyment 9

The Concluding Flavor...until the 100 Twelvemonth Quest gets adapted...

No but seriously for a "last season", Fairy Tail really brought their all or more or less Hiro Mashima amalgamated all his loose plotlines (especially with the deal with Zeref and Acnologia) not only to a grand final war merely to resolve the MANY MANY characters plot threads information technology gave us and the majority of it...succeeded.

LA had been and still was a huge fan of Fairy Tail, Fairy Tail brought LA into the shounen genre and though Fairy Tail did abuse the entire "nakama" arc finales every bit an asspull let lonely it's "no ane dies" attitude and to this end makes Natsu has immense plot armour and one-shots every main arc villain in the series, all these flaws bar one or two get given some context and actual reasoning to, the exception being the "nakama" BUT LA fifty-fifty has a defence force for that (to a certain extent) and that is..well Fairy Tail was Ever near nakama or family unit, heck Fairy Tail was always about camaraderie even in the worst of times and virtually of the characters centred on family ane manner or another, Lucy with her father, Cana and Gildarts, Natsu and Igneel, Gray and Ur and Wendy with the guild itself. Yeah Fairy Tail had some problems exist it information technology'south filler arcs or the flaws LA mentioned to a higher place only man this final season remedied ALOT of the problems it had.

With this beingness the culmination to the final battles confronting Zeref and Acnologia, the character development and the lore intertwining things to brand sense was all in that location. For character development the primary players gets the most screentime, expanded both on the globe building and lore of Fairy Tail to ties things together, everything from why the Twelvemonth 777 was soo of import, Lucy's mother, the Dragon Slayers themselves, Zeref and his conflict and war with Mavis and how Acnologia came to be. It's all covered here. If anything the primary characters who become the most screentime and development became Natsu, Zeref, Mavis, Acnologia, Erza, Wendy, Grayness and Lucy though LA thought that Lucy over again took the fanservicey condition and her backstory was more towards her family line than her as a graphic symbol came into play but even so she was a central player...mainly helping Natsu in all this but withal.

The battles were crazy to say the to the lowest degree, mainly because of Zeref's Elite commanders, existence mages of Cool magical strength and having them pitted confronting not just Fairy Tail themselves but EVERY club (including the main dark guilds who have turned over a new foliage giving THEM redemption as well as well equally pocket-sized development as well). But about of the battles were interesting in how the character overcome it as...well Natsu was focused on Zeref, it gave the residual of the cast a chance to shine MAINLY Erza, Gray, Wendy and Gajeel. YES...sometimes they used nakama power's cool ok.

The animation washed by A-i Pictures, Span and Cloverworks...well the blitheness was toned and alot sharper, the fighting and battles scenes were much more fluid and intense and considering of the tone, the graphic symbol designs and quirky and exotic as they were were crisper and much sharper than before, since this was a collaboration between three studios, LA tin see the animation was consistently keen (aside from the rare derps) because of it and considering the animation was consistent for 51 episodes and all the same the final few episodes were greatly detailed and batshit cazy in terms of battles...well what else woul LA say but bravo A-one Pictures, Bridge and Cloverworks!

The voice cast was utterly HUGE then LA will go by the unproblematic standouts or MVP'south...for LA they were Mamiko non as Mavis, Akira Ishida as Zeref, Tetsuya Kakihara as Natsu, Sayaka Ohara every bit Erza, Yuuichi Nakamura equally Greyness, aya Hirano as Lucy, Satomi Sato as Wendy, Rie Kugimiya as Happy, Kousuke Toriumi equally Acnologia, Takako Honda as Eileen Belserion, Manami Numakura as Brandish, Saori Hayami as Kagura, Show Hayami as Ichiya (yes really) and Kana Hanazawa as Zera, seriously a damn corking voice cast if LA could keep this department would be HUGE.

Fairy Tail: Final Series is cypher but a great send off to the serial, as it but ties everything up from x years of Fairy Tail anime, sure in a scrap of shaking ways particularly considering the nakama power activating fourth dimension to time but like LA said, it's kinda what Fairy Tail embodies time and again and Fairy Tail just wraps everything in a crescendo.

LA had and always will exist a fan of Fairy Tail even when it was in information technology's lowest moments and in a fourth dimension when Fairy Tail was looked downwardly upon, LA always stick past it and wanted to get improve and with this Final Season information technology did. Fairy Tail was LA'southward outset shounen anime and be it the annoying filler arcs, Natsu's plot armour, Lucy's unneeded fanservice and of course the nakama eleventh hour superpower but even with all that this Final Season did it's job and ended the way it wanted besides and by god, did it go out dandy.

Here'south to Fairy Tail and a close to Zeref and Acnologia as the Big Bads of the series...


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Sep 28, 2022

Overall 5
Story 6
Animation 6
Audio 5
Character five
Enjoyment 5

Fairy Tail, Fairy Tail. What can the world do without you? From its original run dorsum in August 2006 to July 2017, the fantasy adventure has been dubbed equally a popular franchise that became famous for its "friendship" theme. It's become so well-known that the words "friends" has become synonymous with the franchise itself. At present, we finally have the conclusion of this long-running fantasy adventure.

The final season initially had mixed reception so seeing this been translated into anime course would also generate some caste of trepidation. I approached this last flavor with some optimism as a voice told me it would be a proper sendoff of the show but far from a masterpiece. From the get-go few episodes, Information technology reintroduced the main characters we are so familiar with – Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Erza, Gray. The Fairy Tail guild itself is no longer the same as we call up. Simply surely enough, the final season begins to slowly reintroduce the other familiar bandage ranging from Wendy, Gajeel, Laxus, Levy, and among many others. Perhaps most noticeable is the reintroduction of Zeref, a powerful night wizard who has been an integral part of Fairy Tail'due south expansive plot. Now, he'due south a character with a purpose and takes on the office of an emperor with his own personal empire. The final season covers the Alvarez Empire arc that concludes the series.

Looking back now, Zeref has been a circuitous character since his introduction. Now that he is in control of an empire, Zeref adult a more strategic and cunning mind who seeks to achieve his ambitions. The previous season also covered a side series (Fairy Tail Zero) that chronicled his human relationship between Zeref and Mavis. The importance of their human relationship carries an emotional degree that fully reaches its apex at the final stages of the season. To me, it's a type of long-term development that actually works constructive in terms of story writing. But from the offset, we also take to realize the disharmonize Natsu and his friends to has to deal with now. From the Alvarez Empire, the Sparggan 12 serves as an elite unit of powerful wizards under Zeref. They consist of some of the nearly powerful adversaries Fairy Tail has e'er encountered. From the arrogant sand mage Ajeel to god-like entities such as God Serena and Baronial, at that place'due south no doubt we'll encounter the society struggling to overcome these obstacles. Others such as Brandish and Irene has their own complex relationships with sure characters. I'm not going to spoil just it's let's just say that they are of import to the overall tone of the season. Unfortunately, a decent portion of Sparrgan 12 are hands forgettable such as Jacob, Neihart, Bloodman, and Wall Eehto. I honestly forgot some of these characters and had to expect them up over again. Others such as Larcade and Invel has somewhat important roles in the show only honestly are overshadowed by powerful mainstays like Zeref. Collectively, they are a unique group of individuals that brings a thrilling awareness to the final arc. Individually, some just lacks presence on their own and suffers from stardom.

Fairy Tail'southward own members has their many spotlights although most of it is carried by the usual suspects. Of course, Natsu and Lucy play significant roles in determining the outcome of the arc. This is especially shown through Natsu'southward circuitous relationship with Zeref. In ane particular episode, we besides become an important revelation about their origins. In the meantime, the final season as well hopes to elicit character emotions beyond but the usual friendship gimmicks. Don't expect much romance outside of Zeref and Mavis though. At this point, information technology's pretty much established that Fairy Tail values its graphic symbol connections more than of import than anything. Every bit a society, Fairy Tail has always been known for developing connections between its bandage and forging bonds that lasts seemingly forever. From a storytelling perspective, information technology'due south hardly unique equally friendship themes accept always been a role of many action adventures. It's merely that Fairy Tail amplifies its friendship context more than the usual. To me, it's oversaturated and seemingly forced down our throats. Sure, it's an important context of the prove merely when you've watched over 200 episodes of this, it gets pretty damn redundant, no?

With 51 episodes, Fairy Tail final season does hit the sweet spot for concluding this anime. It doesn't rely much on fillers to exercise the storytelling in this case and is really quite faithful to the manga. The previous seasons had numerous filler episodes that can be a task to get through. Some of those fillers were genuinely enjoyable while others had an entire arc of shallow writing. The last season gets straight to the signal and commits most of its time on bringing out what the fans wants to really see. The outset half builds on the principal plot while the second half executes what it establishes and ultimately brings together its conclusion. I'one thousand not going to lie though. The final season is pretty much aimed at fans who really wants to see how this anime franchise wraps up. Take chances are, some people just wants to finish the show and be washed with the franchise for good. Others really wants to see the best of what Fairy Tail can offer. Personally, that part was long and done from the starting time seasons. The final season at best is a definitive end of the main story saga and as its worst is lazy writing that continues to apply recycled ideas.

However, I will give a credit where it'southward due and that's for Hiro Mashima's work consistency. Being able to cease the manga from the start to finish with his weekly schedule is almost inhuman. When writing the script and storyboarding, I'd imagine he planned out well alee of time. The mangaka is a madman when information technology comes to his speed of working. Why exercise I mention this? It'due south because Fairy Tail's art style has a cartoony look merely can be deceptively complex at times to watch. Both the anime and manga besides consist a lot of grapheme emotions during important moments. Fairy Tail has been known for a lot of crying times and this final season is no pushover with those scenes. Emotions are drawn out by the main themes of the show and connects the characters together. A-1 Pictures render with their staff with a similar expect to the previous seasons. And of course, any longtime fan will know Fairy Tail has fan service. Information technology has lot of fan service, sometimes which can be dramatically distracting. There's fifty-fifty jokes about the fan service itself with characters like Lucy existence a main culprit. Gray taking his clothes off is also a running gag that melts Juvia'southward picayune heart.

The anime is over. This is the last flavour and I doubt we'll run into another Fairy Tail anime for a long fourth dimension. If Hiro Hashima'due south other works like Eden's Zero or Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest ever gets adaptations, I'd imagine it to be much shorter than what we've seen here. The final flavour indeed concludes the long running Fairy Tail chief saga that started between a fiery salamander and a blonde mage. And if you desire to requite it a chance, the ball is in your court.

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Sep 28, 2022

Overall 4
Story 5
Animation 3
Sound six
Character v
Enjoyment 4

A very underwhelming, uninspired and seemingly passionless adaptation to an already terrible ending of the manga.

Now that may seem harsh, but I call back I'm pretty justified in my description considering what we were given for the final season of Fairy Tail.

Story (5/10): A small function of me believed that the anime would make some changes to the plot and maybe change, or at to the lowest degree extend, some of the weaker parts of the arc. Unsurprisingly, I was wrong. The story, in its grand climax, remained as anti-climactic as the manga was. To me, the last arc felt like it could go in so many directions, and it somehow went in the near disappointing one.

Art (iii/ten): The animation is probably one of the worst things most this season of Fairy Tail. It was full of fights and was the big climax of the unabridged series, and however, it has the worst animation overall. At kickoff, I was pretty optimistic. The colour pallet seemed vibrant and I thought, "Well this animation kinda sucks, but hey, they're surely but saving their resource and time for some of the upcoming big fights!" Unsurprisingly, I was wrong. Sure, there was an improvement in animation for some of the stuff towards the finish, simply it was however very much lacklustre considering that it was the big finale to such a long-running series. It only looked impressive considering most other episodes were slideshows of coloured manga panels.

Soundtrack (6/10): I don't feel similar there's too much to say regarding the soundtrack. It's no hush-hush that Fairy Tail has a kickass soundtrack. The affair is, this applies to the previous seasons too. In fact, there weren't actually that many new soundtracks in the first place - just a bunch of old ones. It felt similar they used them to score nostalgia points from the viewers, which is nice, only information technology felt like some scenes could accept been more impactful had they had a more plumbing equipment soundtrack.

Character (5/10): The chief characters in Fairy Tail are fun and lovable - they always have been. All the same, they're non especially well-written, especially in this final season. Natsu and the gang are the same as ever; a bunch of powerful wizards who love talking about their friends when things get crude. If you compare the main cast at the start of the series to how they are at the stop, it doesn't experience like besides much has changed. Their personalities are largely the same, simply they punch harder.

Overall/Enjoyment (four/10): So overall, the final flavor of Fairy Tail was simply bad. It feels similar the studio working on it just wanted to get information technology out of the way rather than give it the dear it arguably deserved, or at the very least, needed. Don't get me wrong - I don't hate Fairy Tail. The starting time season, in particular, gave off a sense of take a chance and fun that I'll never forget, and equally such, it holds a special identify in my middle.

Information technology'southward for that very reason that I remember this flavour of Fairy Tail was a massive disappointment. It's sad to run into a series like this leave on such a depression, pathetic and desperately written annotation.

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